Wednesday, February 27, 2013


This week Dragon has begun to grasp at things more deliberately rather than just gripping whatever is placed in her hand. She isn't reaching far or pulling things back to her or up to her mouth, but she is reaching a bit!

She likes to hold my fingers in each hand and pull them apart. I hope she isn't trying to break them.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Human noises

Last night Dragon started making more human noises! Vowels with inflection! And not just crying, actual wooos and waaas! Of course she does this all for her dad and not for me.  But it's a new thing! Yay!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Puppy love

Dragon has really started to notice Rosie this week — smiling at her, watching her, trying to make eye contact with her.

Rosie sometimes licks Dragon on the head. She also likes to drip water on her from her jowls after she gets a drink.

Still no affection for or from the cat.

Monday, January 28, 2013

8 Weeks

Dragon turns 8 weeks old today.

She is outgrowing her newborn clothes, especially in the feet.

She can pick up her head long enough to turn it when she is on her tummy.

She gurgles and coos for at least a few "conversations" each day. Sometimes the conversations are with her dad and me. Other times they are with inanimate objects, particularly the toys that dangle over her bouncy chair and the dragon wall hanging above the changing table.

Her other favorite things are the Fantasy Bird Manor and her mobile. The mobile has a little projector that beams images of animals onto a canopy. She watches it like TV. She shows little interest in toys that make sounds.

She'll notice a book when we read to her but she stops looking after a page or two.

She sleeps in her carseat when we take her out in public.

She eats 4 oz. bottles eight or nine times a day.

She likes being held upright on my shoulder but her head flops sometimes. Today she bopped me in the lip.

She seems to be interested in mirrors when I take her into the bedroom or bathroom.

She smiles often now, especially in the morning and night.

She still makes Dragon Arms sometimes.

Fuzzy blond hair is filling in where her dark hair used to be.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dragon's Guys

Dragon is getting more interested in her toys. There is a bar with toys dangling over her bouncy chair, and she smiles at them more than she smiles at her parents. She coos and gurgles at them. She also likes the toys in Fantasy Bird Manor. I call them her guys.

Her favorite toy appears to be the mobile in her crib. It has a sound machine and a projector that beams cartoon animals over a canopy. She watches it for the whole 30-minute cycle, and she gets so excited about it that she won't sleep.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

A voice

In the past couple of days, Dragon has been making a lot more noise. For the first 5 weeks, we only heard crying and grunting. She started making a few vocalizations while the grandparents were visiting last week.

This weekend, the chatter has been more frequent and sustained. It mostly happens when she starts to need a diaper change or food, but she also coos when she is just excited or interested in something.

Unrelated: Today we took our second walk, again to the end of the block. This time I tried the Baby Bjorn.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Visiting Fish

A good friend of mine had a baby one week after Dragon was born. We stayed in touch throughout our pregnancies, and we had written to each other when we could after Dragon and Little Fish arrived.

We FINALLY got together today. What was supposed to be quick visit turned into 4 hours of frenetic jabberjabberjabber. It's great to hear remembered wisdom from friends who have had children, but there's nothing like having a peer in this education. Mama Fish and I gabbed away, exchanging experiences and milestones and surprises.

Dragon and Little Fish stirred for a brief howdy-doody.